Excellence in human-centered logistics 4.0 – X-HuLog4.0

The European Commission has granted a research project entitled “Excellence in human-centered logistics 4.0” (X-HuLog4.0) at the Institute of Production and Supply Chain Management. The project intends to establish a cooperation among internationally leading research institutions – TU Darmstadt, Vilnius Technical University, NTNU Trondheim and Saarland University.

The objective of the project is to define strategies for building capabilities and establishing networks in the area of Logistics 4.0. The project aims to deepen our knowledge in the field of human-centered logistics systems and to contribute to the advancement and adoption of warehousing best practices across Europe.

To this purpose, X-HuLog4.0 intends to:

  • increase research and educational capabilities;
  • establish a long-term knowledge transfer with a special focus on young-stage researchers;
  • encourage the connection among researchers of the partner universities and other leading research institutes and promote networking;
  • increase the industry and society awareness on human-centered logistics and the value of a close collaboration with academia;
  • foster scientific developments through increases in the number of publications, patents, participation in research programs, and new products or services development.

The program has a duration of 36 months and a total funding of about 1.3 million Euro.